DLA Piper: Levelling up Law

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Talent is everywhere. Opportunity is not.

People from lower socioeconomic backgrounds often face multiple barriers to a career in law. This contributes to a lack of genuine socioeconomic diversity in the legal profession. The causes of these barriers are complex. The solutions require collaboration between business, government, the education sector and our communities.

We’re a stronger profession if our people come from a wide range of backgrounds. If difference is embraced, valued, and helps define the role of lawyers in our society. Through the combined perspectives and experiences of a diverse population, the profession can continue to play a fundamental part in addressing the most important and challenging issues facing our world.

As one of the world’s leading business law firms, we’re in a fortunate position to be able to commit our people, resources and networks to advancing social mobility.

We pledge to support those who face significant challenges entering and succeeding in the legal profession.

Through the focused collection and analysis of key data, we continue to explore and implement different ways of improving social mobility and can track our performance against set objectives.

This report is all about actions. What we’ve done so far, what we’re doing now, and what we’ll do next.

Simon Levine, Global Co-CEO

Andrew Darwin, Global Co-Chair

Sandra Wallace, Joint Managing Director, UK and Europe

Liam Cowell, Country Managing Partner, UK

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DLA Piper: Levelling Up Law


Firms slow to reap the benefits of above-board diversity